Monday, 25 August 2014

The Bodyshop Vitamin E Face Mist - Review

This is the first face mist I have ever used and at first I wasn't too impressed by it because it was too 'wet' and because of this I felt as if it was moving my makeup when I sprayed it on my face and I honestly wasn't too happy about that so I shoved it towards the back of a drawer and forgot all about it. But during a little clear-up session I had, I rediscovered this little bottle and decided to give it another go and I've decided that I do actually quite like it, now that I've figured out the best way to use it, and another great thing is that it has many uses! Read on to find out what I use it for!

Wednesday, 6 August 2014

July Birchbox 2014 - Sun Sea and Sand - What's in my Box and First Impressions

Hey lovely readers!! So Today's post is on the contents of my July 2014 Birchbox. This is my second box from them and before ordering from Birchbox I have never had a subscription box before, so this is definitely a new experience for me. I'm not going to say that I love everything that I received in my box because I didn't, as there are somethings that I doubt I'll ever use. But what I do like about this kind of service is that we get to try things from many different brands, these could be brands that we are familiar with or brands that we've either never heard of or never thought of trying and I thinks it's a great way to discover new products.

Now onto what I got in mine!

Benefit Porefessional - This was one product I was happy about, I already had a mini sample of this primer but I was running low and even though I'm not usually a primer person I quite like it and I'm glad I now have a backup

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